Bulletin News

Bulletin News

February 2, 2025

THIS MORNING WE WILL COMMISSION A NEW ELDER. Last Sunday, church members voted to confirm Jeremy Duvendeck as an elder. Concerning new elders, our church constitution says, "Once confirmed, each new elder should be set apart for this ministry by means of public prayer and the laying-on of hands." This step of commissioning will be accomplished during our worship service today.  


THE PREACHING TODAY is the second of two messages about "Forgiveness." The title for today's sermon is "The Apostles Teach About Forgiveness." The Apsotle Paul writes, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)


NEAR THE END OF OUR WORSHIP SERVICE, after we have extended a heart of forgiveness toward others, the Lord's Supper will be served.  


THE STEADFAST SENIORS will meet for lunch and Christian fellowship this Friday, February 7. 12:30 pm.  


THE WEDDING OF SILAS NIEMI AND HOPE BAISCH will be this Saturday, February 8, at 2:00 pm. Everyone is invited to join us for this beautiful time of worship, preaching, prayer and wedding vows. An informal reception will follow the service. Please note that the location will be the building of Bethany Bible Church, 810 East Huron River Drive, Belleville, Mich.  


GETTING READY FOR FUR RONDY: Let's make sure we are ready for our big mid-winter outreach event.  

   * Please Check with Lina Soper about the food you will bring to Fur Rendezvous. 734-680-3355. The evening will begin with supper at 6:00 pm.  

   * Please invite a friend to join us for this evangelistic event. Invitations are available for you to take home with you today.  

   * Remember that Fur Rendezvous is always scheduled for the third Friday in February. This year it falls on Friday evening, February 21. 

   * The schedule will be as follows: Supper at 6:00 pm, followed by Talent at 7:00 and Dessert at 9:15.  


NEXT SUNDAY we will begin a new sermon series. This will be a nine-week expostional study of the Book of Esther.  


CANDIDATES FOR CHRISTIAN BAPTISM are invited to meet with the pastor after church on Sunday, March 2.  A baptism service is planned for Sunday evening, March 9, at 6:00 pm.  


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